The importance of montage:

Montage is used to achieve many business purposes, including the following:

🔸speed up time

Montage technology can speed up time, conveying events that occurred during a day, a week, a month, a year, or different decades throughout history, depending on the type of work, and also according to the needs of the story, and it is narrated logically that supports the general idea of ​​the work And his story by highlighting the most important events.

🔸Provide a lot of information

In many works the main story contains a large number of important information that must be conveyed, but all the information listed may undesirably lengthen the presentation; Here lies the strength of the montage in its ability to transmit all the information, and present it to the audience within a few seconds.

🔸Add suspense and anticipation

Montage can add anticipation and suspense to the events of the film, or the artwork; It is at the height of the complexity of the story that the produced shots of a character, or an incident, appear; Which increases the audience's interest in events, pushes boredom, and also serves to draw their minds to the end of the work.

🔸Compare and show the differences

Comparing and showing differences is one of the most prominent purposes of montage; Where he can shed light on the detailed differences between two characters in the artwork, and what is related to their daily routines, or a comparison of the general conditions of a family over time, and so on; Which could highlight the strengths and weaknesses apparent in the difference between the two situations, or between the two personalities.

🔸Show dramatic transformation

Montage is one of the means that works to explain the dramatic transformation that occurs in a character over a specific period of time. The matter that explains to the public the reasons for the change in the physical, mental, or psychological state, etc., while showing the logical change to it.

🔸Combine different stories

In many cases, the working time is not enough to present all the stories in detail from beginning to end, and in this case the montage is the best solution that can bring together all the parties to the story in a way that gives each story, or each character its right of clarification and explanation.

🔸TV montage

The techniques that are used in the production of films or television dramas vary, and the most important of these techniques are:

1. Snapshots

One of the most famous uses of montage in television and cinematic works is the intermittent clips that are torn in every succession, and fast; Which works to pass the events of the story, and progress.

2. Without dialogue

One of the most famous techniques of montage, and the main idea in this technique is “the less the more,” meaning that the dramatic dialogue is not only what can give the desired effect; It is possible to montage many silent shots, but it expresses what the character feels through the emotions that appear on it without speaking, and it is one of the techniques that have great effectiveness in showing films.

3. Voice commentary

The voiceover also gives an important influence in the narration of events, as does the “without dialogue” technique, and the technique is chosen in proportion to the general situation of the work, and the voiceover is used in the montage to narrate the events shown by the collected footage.

4. Music

One of the most influencing factors used in montage; It has the ability to support the general idea of ​​the collected shots, and to communicate the desired feelings that fit the nature of events, and the development of characters.

5. Display information on the screen

One of the most popular uses of montage is to display a specific text on the screen; This is to speed up events, or to quickly clarify the developments of the personality or events, and most of the time these texts appear at the end as a kind of conclusion.

Video design and editing:

Video design and editing It is easy to communicate your idea as a content maker through graphics, images, or even audio and explanation. And, of course, a video that provides good content needs to be presented in a distinctive way, and this is reflected in an increase in the percentage of purchasing a product, requesting services, or increasing the number of followers. One of the most important factors for the success of the video is the use of various montage arts to produce a distinguished professional work, and this is what prompts some to compete for the design of different ideas. 

🔸One of the specialties of our company is the design and montage of videos in unique and innovative ways that enable you to compete strongly and attract the largest number of customers

🔸Editing and coordinating scenes and video clips within a deliberate time sequence, so that it turns into a coherent, attractive, meaningful message


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